Friday, August 28, 2009

8/28/09: Memoirs

We finally finished introduction presentations today, and we're on to memoirs (yea!).

As a class we read James Howe's memoir "Everything is Going to be OK." (you can read it here)

Each student is to create a 3 column list that includes all of the events that happened within the story, how the author was feeling during those events, and textual evidence that proves how the author was feeling. This lists are due at the start of class Monday morning.

That's about it for today, but on Monday we will be participating in one of my favorite classroom activities for the year, so be ready!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

8/27/09: Presentations Begin

Today we presented our first presentations. We learned quite a few things today. First, we will have technology problems and that is never an excuse. You must plan ahead, verify your equipment will work, and have a backup plan. Second, presentations take a lot of time. It's not very often that we will have individual presentations, but when we do, we need to be prepared, organized, and quick-moving.

We will finish presentations at the start of class tomorrow and finally begin our memoir unit. I'm excited!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

8/26/09: Computer Confusion

Today we spent a good deal of time getting computers, figuring out passwords, figuring out power issues, figuring out PowerPoint issues, and so on. We will begin presentations at the start of class tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

8/25/09: First Presentation

Your first presentation assignment will give you a chance to practice your presentation skills (which we'll use often in this class) as well as help everyone else to get to know you. For this assignment you must create a PowerPoint presentation of appropriate length that tells the class who you are. The presentation must be illustrated with photographs and I do not want you to read off of the board! Should be pretty simple.

Watch the following video for the classroom lecture.

Monday, August 24, 2009

8/24/09: Introduction

Hi everyone. Hope that you didn't miss the first day! If you did, you missed a lot of getting-to-know you and introduction type stuff. We'll just have to work extra hard the next few weeks to help you catch on.


  1. Have your parent/gaurdian send me an email at that includes their name, your name, and a phone number I can reach them at. Make sure they send this email from an address that I can reply to with future communications.
  2. Bring tissues for 10 points extra credit.
  3. Bring a notebook that can be left in class.
That's it for the first day. Good luck.

Check out the slide show from the first day below.