Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Analyzing the Audience

Look carefully at each of the following websites. Who is the intended audience? How can you tell? Be specific and detailed in your answers. Consider the following questions:

  • Who will be reading/listening to/ using this material?
  • What special characteristics do they have?
  • Which discourse community do they belong to?
  • What is their background and attitude toward the subject?

After you have decided the intended audience, decide the purpose of the website. Again, be specific and detailed in your answers.

Sport Compact Car
American Geriatrics Society

Post your responses on your blog. Due 11/14/07.


ASHLEY ANN said...

im reading great speeches as my book and i didnt know the title tell yesterday so thats why its not in my proposel letter. I hope your planning on giving us more time on our project we didnt even start on our computers tell 50 after the class started and had 2 assinments due before we could work on our projct.

silvernic said...

Sometimes you will have less time. Sometimes you will have more. Make the most of what you have!

~Megan Stout~ said...

Hey, so, my spaces @ the ending won't work, plz don't take off points for that. Thanx!

silvernic said...

Fair enough.

ASHLEY ANN said...

sorry im not tryin to be snappy my comment to u kindw sounded like i was now that i read it again sorry and the i wasnt realy able to get on any of the websites they were either blocked or didnt load. sorry i had to geuss