Tuesday, January 22, 2008


For this assignment you will create a podcast type video to explain a particular grammar term, rule, or concept. The video must be at least 1 ½ minutes long (not including credits) and may not be longer than 3 minutes (including credits). Your video must give viewers a thorough understanding of your topic, including definitions, explanations, usages, and examples. Your video may be humorous, serious, or anywhere in between, and may include video clips, still pictures, music, sound effects, and more. Have fun with this video, but remember the primary reason for creating it is to explain a grammar topic to your audience!

Video Length (1-3 minutes) 5 points
Definition of Grammar Term 5 points
Explanation of Usage 5 points
Examples of Usage 5 points
Quality of Video 5 points
Perceived Effort 5 points
Total Points 30 Points

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