Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September 29,2009

Watching the princes bride
-character sheets
-setting sheets

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 23, 2009: character addition

-through actions
-through words
-throught thoughts
Character Part II

Monday, September 21, 2009


Find the definition of theme in a dictionary or online.
Read "Tortise and the Hare"
Write the subject of the story, what the story is about.
Create a list of 5 possible themes.
Read "Powder" in our textbook, page 687.
Write the subject of the story.
Create a list of 2 possible themes with evidence from the text for each.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

9/17/09: The Third Draft Edition

Starting today we will begin individual reading to be completed both in and outside of class. For individual reading you will need to completely read 3 books between now and the end of the semester. Two of the books must come from the 9-12 Reading List. The other book may be any book that you choose, but must be approved by Mr. Shellabarger.

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/14/09: The Unprepared Edtion

I have to admit that I'm a little bit worried when %80 of my students show up without their homework. To be honest guys, this means that you will get much more homework in the future. Call it punishment, call it opportunity, call it practice.

You should have your first two drafts of your memoir complete. The first draft is mainly intended to get your thoughts onto paper. For the second draft we look closely at showing vs. telling. Third draft will start tomorrow.

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/09: Patriot Day Edition

On the anniversary of a day when so many died, I will be away saying goodbye to one more as we lay my good friend Dmitri to rest. Mr. Dalton will be covering for me and I'm sure you'll find that he's a much better teacher than I.

Bellwork: Read the poem "Names" by Billy Collins. This poem was written by the National Poet Laurette on the one year anniversary of September 11th. It is a poem that I found so powerful that I started a poem of the week project, which amazingly enough continued until at least April of this year at Weber State University. In your journal write about September 11th for about 5 minutes.

Show, Don't Tell: After you watch the video below, complete the worksheet and turn it into the box. When you start your second draft of your memoir, look closely at all of "be" verbs and consider whether or not you should replace them with more active sentences.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/10/09: Slightly dissappointed edition.

We will be redoing today's presentations next Wednesday on the half day.
Nuff said.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9/09/09: The Audio Edition

Memoir Plan Presentation Rubric

Plan is complete, well thought out, actionable, and realistic.
Plan is well-described in a manner intended to persuade the audience.
Presentation is well-organized, rehearsed, and well-delivered.
Each member of the group plays an important role in the presentation.
Technology is utilized to enhance the presentation.
Proper presentation protocol is followed.
Presentation is complete, ready, and on time.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

9/8/09: Work it people!

We've spent two weeks learning about memoirs, now it's time to get producing! There are two things that you need to be working on that I'll discuss here.

First, your memoir.


1- Every text event has to have a purpose.

2- The memoir needs to show attitudes or feelings before, so that the reader understands the author's learning at the end.

3- The memoir needs to show the before several times, not just once.

4- The memoir needs to show the after: How did the learning change the author's life? Why was it significant?

5- Every text event needs to build toward, show, or explain the significance of the author's learning.

Also Remember

Ways to Show Meaning In Text

1- Through the character's actions.
"I tuck the kitten under my jacket and run out of the woods."

2- Through the character's dialogue.
"'Don't worry,' I tell it, stroking its scabby head until the mewing is replaced by a faint purr. 'Everything will be okay.'"

3- Through the character's thoughts.
"I feel the warmth of the kitten through my shirt and start thinking of names."

4- Through comparisons.
"This time I was alone. Lucky for you I was, I think to the kitten. Otherwise, David or Claude might have decided you'd be good practice for their slingshots.

Second, your group presentations. Remember that you are creating a plan to disburse our memoirs to the 8th graders. You must create a plan and create a presentation to be due Thursday that sells your plan to voters, utilizes technology in its presentation, and involves all of your group members. Good luck!

President Obama's Education Address Backchannel

We had the opportunity in second period today to watch a Presidential message on education. This is the backchannel discussion that accompanied that message.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

9/01/09: The Substitute

In case you didn't notice, I wasn't in class today. Instead, I was at the district office with a reading/writing specialist, Superintendent Bailey, and teachers from the high school and middle schools learning new methods for teaching writing.

Hopefully everything went well in class today. You should have read "The Great Rat Hunt," (Available Here) and then completed a three-column chart that details the events, feelings, and evidence for the story. Following the chart, you should complete a 1/2 page reflection on the meaning or importance of the memoir. Remember to look for the turning point--the point at which the authors feeling about the topic changes.

If you have questions, please contact me at nshellabarger@uinta1.k12.wy.us

Good luck! Bien Suerte!