Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Texture adds a dimensional quality to images, giving them the appearance of three dimensions instead of only two. There are unique and interesting textures all over the place, so this assignment shouldn't be too difficult to complete. However, really try to get the most interesting and photogenic textures that you can find.

See some examples of texture HERE.

A couple of technique tips for you:
  1. Use a tripod people!
  2. Get in close. You may need to switch your camera to macro mode (It's a picture of a flower on most cameras). If your camera won't focus, you may be too close.
  3. Look closely at everyday objects. You may find texture in places that you wouldn't expect.
  4. The texture should fill the whole frame. You may have to crop the image in Photoshop to achieve this.
  5. Use a tripod!
Your Assignment:
  • Take 5 different texture images.
  • Save the images somewhere where you will have access to them (N drive, flash drive, email), we will be using them again in the near future.
  • Post the 5 images to your blog.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Do and Redo

If you are missing any assignments, today is an opportunity to make them up. Go to powerschool to find any assignments that you are missing and then get them on your blog.

After you complete all assignments that are due up to this point, your new assignment is to choose one image or assignment that you've completed over the last nine weeks and improve that assignment. Carefully consider what the purpose was for the assignment, what you wanted to create to complete the assignment, and how you can improve your initial attempt.

After creating a new image for the assignment, post it to your blog along with a paragraph that details the original assignment, your approach to improve your image, and the final outcome.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Eyes

Work along with the following videos as you watch them. You will most likely have to pause and review portions many times.

Post your final image to your blog.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Contrast is one of the most effective composition techniques to add interest to your image. However, there are many different types of contrast that you can take advantage of.

Tonal Contrast: Probably the most obvious type of contrast in photography, tonal contrast is the difference between the light and dark areas of a photograph. An image with primarily bright tones with dark accenting tones is said to be high key, while an image with primarily dark tones with light accenting tones is low key.

Color Contrast: Color contrast shows the difference between colors with opposite characteristics (see the color wheel). Color contrast is enhanced when there is a large proportional difference in amounts of each color used.

Contrast of Sharpness: There are different techniques used to create contrast in sharpness. The first being depth of field. Utilizing a shallow depth of field, you can create an image in which the foreground and background are out of focus, while the subject of the photo is in focus. A slow shutter speed can also create contrast in sharpness by allowing movement blur in either your subject or background.

Some great examples of contrast can be seen here.

For your assignment, you will write a five paragraph essay detailing the types of contrast and their impact on an image. Due at the end of class.

After completing the essay, create two images that exemplify contrast. Post them to your blog.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


When I first think of framing, I think of putting a picture in a picture frame. While the concept is similar in photography, the framing that we do will be completed as the picture is taken.

Framing in composition is using elements within your image to create a border or frame next to, above, below, or around your image in order to create a more specific point of interest for the viewer.

For this assignment, watch this video.

Look at and read this website.

Read the handout.

Scour the web for further examples of framing. Post a few pictures or links from the web to your blog when you post your image.

Come up with a plan, then take a picture that illustrates the concept of framing in composition, and post the image to your blog. Remember that your image will be graded on quality, so make sure that it is in focus and well-exposed.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Manual Mode

It's time to take control of your camera!

For this assignment you will go to five different lighting situations (outside, cafeteria, classroom, closet, etc.) and decide on the necessary camera settings to take each of the following types of photographs:
  • Still Life
  • Portrait
  • Action Shot
Post each locations along with the camera settings for each of the three types of photographs to your blog.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Brief Exposure Explanations With Examples

Time to put your knowledge to the test. For this assignment you must write a brief report (something like a 5-paragraph essay) describing the 3 factors of exposure that we have talked about thus far: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

Your report should include at least six photographs taken by you to illustrate the points that you make.

Good luck!