Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Texture adds a dimensional quality to images, giving them the appearance of three dimensions instead of only two. There are unique and interesting textures all over the place, so this assignment shouldn't be too difficult to complete. However, really try to get the most interesting and photogenic textures that you can find.

See some examples of texture HERE.

A couple of technique tips for you:
  1. Use a tripod people!
  2. Get in close. You may need to switch your camera to macro mode (It's a picture of a flower on most cameras). If your camera won't focus, you may be too close.
  3. Look closely at everyday objects. You may find texture in places that you wouldn't expect.
  4. The texture should fill the whole frame. You may have to crop the image in Photoshop to achieve this.
  5. Use a tripod!
Your Assignment:
  • Take 5 different texture images.
  • Save the images somewhere where you will have access to them (N drive, flash drive, email), we will be using them again in the near future.
  • Post the 5 images to your blog.

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